Monday, April 26, 2010

Goodbye...Money-News-Online.Thank you...Paul

We need more info and data before decide and join into a HYIP Programs.
Beside we do our own DD ( Due diligent )
We can find those information from HYIP monitoring,HYIP Forum and also
HYIP Blogs...And unfortunately there's many available out there.
But to find the good one is difficult.

Presently I would like to talk about Money-News-Online.

One of the famous blog belong to Paul that talk about HYIP arena.
I am one of Money-News-Online readers since last year.
I like about MNO HYIP review and HYIP admin interview that Paul presented.
And help me a lot to get more information about some HYIP Programs.
Before I choose and decide to join HYIP Programs I would like to visit and read MNO first about that programs.
And read what Paul's review about that programs.And almost everyday I visit and read MNO whether to find
new program and hot news.

But now everything it just the old sweet story.Since at last few months back his blog is really getting bad,he helps scammers to make their money and not care anymore if his readers make money or not.I really dispointed with MNO it is really different...
What I found MNO last year and a current MNO.Once again MNO now is really getting bad.
I dont know what paul think lately...He bring a creep,cheap,fragile HYIP site into his
blog.Understand everyone try to make money.but why at all cost? Why at the cost of the MNO readers?
And now what I can expected with this kind of blog ?
It is really dis pointed my ( and I believe others MNO readers too ) favorites HYIP Blog become worst !!!

I love MNO but...If Paul not change his parameter and just bring cheap and fragile HYIP site.
And Money-News-Online does not care anymore with his readers
I Must say Goodbye to Money-News-Online

And now for those who wants a legit info...
You can find it at goldentalk forum.
You can use subfolder HYIP to looking for HYIP program review by goldentalk members.This is a good info that comes from pure investor like us whether small,medium or big investor.
And you can use also sub forum ( I have been paid ) folder for payment report that presented by goldentalk members.This is good for your indicator about payment.

What about blog ?
Don't worry there's still a few a good HYIP blog out there.That cares with readers.
And some with integrity and style too...I will tell you later at next time.
And welcome if you have an blog info that you wanna to share

HYIP is the game...
And we would like to win...
And I love the HYIP blogs that help us to win with this game.


Don't Spam Here

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